
Showing posts from June, 2013

How to Get What You Want in a Relationship

We all have needs. Despite our efforts to fulfill our own needs and wants by ourselves and with our own devices, we as humans long for human connection. Human connection can range from the simple to the complex- and relationships allow complex human interactions to be experienced by us. In relationships, expectations are extremely hard to avoid. Although we try to fulfill ourselves, once we engage in a relationship, we tend to set expectations and standards for our partners and ourselves to fulfill. Although some will tell you that all expectation will lead to suffering, I don't see it as that black and white. Relationships, as well as the experience of life, are dynamic- there are different levels and intensities that we can experience. In relationships, conditions are hard to to avoid.  Unconditional Love but Conditional Relationships I find it best to approach relationships with this distinction in mind- you can express unconditional love for your partner, but your relationship ...